
Monday 29 March 2021

Timeline template

 Hey everyone I am going to sheare my work what I have been doing in the past days because one of our teacher told us to do because it is the best thing to put on my blog. 

Thursday 25 March 2021

How I feel

 This blog post is going to be about I feel and what I need to be. Like happy because happy is the best thing to be because you make so may friends and when you feel sad you can talk to you're teacher or you mum because happy is really good because it makes you feel so happy and you have someone near you because they are there for you. When they are not you're friend you need to say hey you ok and you say could we please be friends again because I think you're you're not ok and I wanna make you're day better. I have made a doc and I am going to put it on here so you can see what I have put on here and you can see what ones you wanna be. I hope you will have a really good time and hope you can make more friends because they are really good to help you out and so are teachers.

  • Don't hold grudges. ...

  • Treat everyone with kindness. ...

  • See problems as challenges. ...

  • Express gratitude for what they already have. ...

  • Dream big. ...

  • Don't sweat the small stuff. ...

  • Speak well of others. ...

Never make excuses.

  • Start with a Good Dose of Gratitude. ...
  • Make Sure You're Giving Back. ...
  • Laugh Every Day (It's Better than Money) ...
  • Foster Good Relationships with Family and Friends. ...
  • Take Some Alone Time. ...
  • Do What You Love. ...
  • Volunteer Your Time. ...
  • Get Enough Exercise.

There are some good ones you can have a look at you can say what one am I am and you can write it down on you're blog to say to people how you feel and what you can do to be happy and not sad because that feel sad that you're upset and you want to talk to someone and you need to talk to someone but you dont want to but it is really good because they can sort it all out and I hope it does not happen again Thank you bye

Wednesday 24 March 2021

School work

 Hey everyone i am going to write a blog post because it blogs are exciting to make one because people can see what you have been doing in the past days. This blog post is going to be about what I have been doing in class because I wanna talk about what I have been up to because it has been a long time been doing my work in class and some people have homework to do at home because they have not finished what they have done. In class it is really good for them to finish it off and so the teacher can mark it and then they will go on your reports and your form teachers will see what you have not done and what you have done in class and some of the time i have almost finished and I did the rest at home because I like writing and listening to the teacher told me to do and it is good for me do to what the teacher told me to do. 

First one I have done the work what Mr Heath told me to do and I did that start away because other wise you will have to stay in class all lunch time if you don't get it done or you have to do it when you get home and if you need to go out you need to do it when you come back because it is really import you do the work that has been send to you. 

What I do in writing who I do it with is miss Taylor because she is my teacher that is meant to talk to me if something is going on and if I don't know what to do you can ask you're teacher because they will help you out and you don't just sit there and do nothing because the teacher tells you what to do and you have to do it. If you don't have a chrome book means you should of went to the offences and got one because you need a chrome book to do you're work on and you need to get lots of things done. to finish you school work and you can go home if you finish the work and it is the end of the day but you need to finish the work that the teacher tells you what to do or the teacher will just say just pack up and then you can go home and you must do the work that the teacher that has sent you.

Thanks for all of yo're information I will have to go now because i have other things to do and can comment on my blog sometime thank you being here and looking at my blog.

Tuesday 23 March 2021

serving trays

 find 3 different types of serving trays.

The best serving trays have features such as non-surfaces , large handles and are strong builds that all make carrying food in and a drink easy. And you don't need to hold them and take them over to the table because you might drop them and they can go everywhere and you have to clean up the mess. The drink is really good if you can put it in the serving tray and you can take it anywhere but you need to be careful if you don't tip the tray .When you are walking you need to hold the handles.

Bad features of serving trays; the serving tray is undoubtedly one of the most versatile accessories in the home. It can be used as a place for food and drinks , or it can also help you organise groupings of items, such as bar ware and candles . And sometimes larger trays with raised sides can even help keep small stacks of magazines neat and contained. Moreover a colourful serving tray is an easy way to bring a decorative accent into a room.

Sevrying trays are the best thing because you can put food on and when you are carrying it around you need to hold to hand's because if you are holding one hand the food and drink will go everywhere and you really don't want to clean it all up because it will be a big mess to clean up. It is really good if you have two hands on the serving trays they are the best things to use because you can put anything on them and you don't need to hold the food and drink in your hands.

Digestive system Blog Post

 Research what function the following organs have in your body?

  • Oesophagus - The oesophagus is a muscular tube connecting throat (pharynx) with the stomach. The esophagus's is about 8 inches long , and is lined by moist pink tissue called Mycenaean. The esophagus's runs behind the windpipe( trachea) and heart , and front of the spine. 

  • Stomach - The abdomen contains all the digestive organs, including the stomach , small and large intestines , pancreas , liver and gallbladder. These organs are held together loosely by connecting tissues (mesentery ) that allow them to expand and to slide against each other. The abdomen also contains the kidneys and spleen. What the stomach does is you eat something and in goes down to you stomach and then it will go somewhere and is really good to eat something because you don't need to eat anything after and if you don't eat anything you will get a sore tummy.

  • Small Intestine - The liver , pancreas and gallbladder are the solid organs of the digestive system. The small intestin has three parts. The first part is called the duodenym . The jejumum is in the middle and the ileum is at the end. The liver is the best thing to use because you can digestive all the food in you're stomach and then it will all brake up and it will stay in your stomach until you need to do something and you need to eat again. It is really good if you eat you're food and not just good to just solor you food.

  • Liver - The liver has two large sections , called the right and the left lobes. The gallbladder sits under the liver , along with parts of the pancreas and intestines. The liver and tese organs work together to deist, aborsb , and process food. The food goes to big and then when you eat something it will go really small in your stomach and it is the best thing you can eat things that you're allowed get in to little bits and you get them and the big food you and cut it up and you put it in your mouth and it will go into your mouth and it will go down. And you dont  get sore tummy if you get and if you don't eat you can get sore tummy sometime.
  •  Large intestine - The first part is called the duodenum . The jejumum is in the middle and the ileum is at the end . The large intestin includes the appendix, cecum, colon, and rectum .The appendices is a finger shaped pouch attached to the cecum.
Ingestion = Taking food IN
Digestion = Breaking food down in your body 
Absorption = Taking in of ntuentis .
Egestion = Ejecting food from your body.

Tuesday 16 March 2021



Hey this is my DLO for my work i have done it is really good i hope you get this and i hope you can comment on it 

Monday 8 March 2021

Athletics Blog Post

 Athletics events that I have learnt this term are shot put, discus, 100 m sprints, long jump, 400 m sprints. I tried my best to do all my  events to get in my places.

List one technique helpful for each event. The 400 m sprints was hard for me because i could ran that fast but I got to the finished and I came last for the 100 m sprints . And I was really nerves that I was going to fall over but i didn't so I was glad that I made it. I was really happy that i did my events because they were the best ones to do for me.

List your result for these events in PE or on athletics Day. Shot put , Discus , 100 m sprints , 400 m sprints , long jump . 2.3 m Discus 13.48 Sprints 21 sec shot put 6.70 m

Did you bring your PE gear each session? I bring it some days of the PE that I was bring but then the other days i didn't bring it because I forgot to bring it the days that we did the PE for the athletics  day I bring my kahui colours because that was the day we had to were our kahui colours for athletics day it was the best day ever.

Did you participate each week. Yes I did but some of the days I had to do something with someone or i was not here for the day. Because i was busy.

What did you enjoy about the school athletic sports. I ran in my house colours because that was the things what we had to wear and on athletics was the best day ever. I tried my best for running. 

Add a photo of someone participating in athletics.