Quickly, I ran away.
In 1975, Hornby High School was opened.
The 'W' Sentence-makes the sentence sound thoughtful and knowledgeable.
Remember the rule: not every 'w' word works as a sentence starter.
Remember to put the comma when the parts affected by your 'w' wad are finished
Examples- who, while, whereas,when,where,what,whilst,with
Example one- the class was eating, I read my book.
Example two -Where you like chocolate, others prefer candy.
Example three - Who are you with, and where are you.
Example four - When the bell rang, I went to class.
Example five - Whilst the teacher was writing examples, the children were writing them on their book's.
Example six - What comes around,what doesn't come around.
Example seven - While the children was playing a game, it started to rain.
Example eight - Who are you with, where are you
Example nine - When i was typing, Lily was sleeping.
Suddenly- I went to get my shoes from my room, & they were in the kitchen and they were wet.
Quickly- I ran outside because,it was poring rain outside.
Ofen- I go to the shop, there is so many people in the shop.
Surprising - I went out to get something from the mail box, and my mum was there.
The 'ing' sentence.
Use the - ing version of the verb e.g to run -running.
Remember the rule- When you finish your -ing phrase, place,a comma , then write the rest of the sentence.
Some-ing words - Listening, watching,running ,realising,emerging,grasping,speaking,analysing,signalling,exposing,gossiping,acknowledging.
Examples: the danger , people fled from the from the cities.
Shaking away the nerves, he walked towards the microphone.
Acknowledging the speaker, he bound his hood in silence.
Running away from the teacher, when they are trying to speak to you.
Realising - there is something going on, you need to get a teacher to sort it out.
Speaking quietly, I hope that the others cant hear me.
Watching a horror movie,put popcorn all over the floor.
Acknowledging,the teacher,I look up from my work to make eye contact.
The 'ed' sentence
Use the ed version of the verb e.g to jog-jogged. This makes for a punchy start your sentence.
Remeber the rule - when you finsh your -ed phrase , place, a comma, the write the rest of the sentence.
Some -ed words- Frustrated , surprised , exited , committed ,unwarranted, determined ,overpowered,concerned,craned,delighted ,enthralled
Examples: Determined to win,Tony pushed himself to last meters of the sprint.
Conceded for the welfare of others, the frame minister passed new laws.
Frustrated by the ongoing rain,I started out the window.