
Thursday, 28 October 2021

Humaniries Essay Planning

 Text abomination 
Author Robert swindell
Breaches of HR Article l in text.
Breach means to not have allowed it or broken it.
Martha - born into - religious cult , has basic rights but no personal freedom- martha is treated like a slave by her parents.
abomination / jim - born & kept in a cage not allowed outside
- has basic human rights
- last nights to edcation, love, freedom,socialistion,
- no clothes! 
* Quotes - nofriends because righteaus
- not allowed radio
* Ouotes - kin in basement
martha to scott
Jim doesnt see his mum
- Main satary 
malhes us feel 
enpanthy /depressed 
sympathy for martha 
we forgive martha for keeping the sercet about jim because she is alos suffering.
Good story telling.
Build superset & terison
feel sorry for jim,feel argry at her parents
shows negtive influnce at bullying.
Martha yes she went to line with her sister,gets new chlothes,
not treated like slave or differnt 
abomintian: Rsolved - gets to sciolve, see his mum, clothes, fredom, pitary, love
Trauma - not goanna have normal life
The righteaus belive the devil redches young people thorugh pop music pg.11
I know I seen weird to them, but its not me inside iḿ just like them pg.18 
Abominaton a boy, scott. a little boy. He lives in the cellar in a cage" page 143
And she lets her kid live in a cage...she doesnt know ! Pg.146
Acticle 1.
All human beings are born free & equal in dignity& rights. They are endowed with resson and. Yanscience & should act towards one another in a spirit of brothrehood.
Means no one is born differnt from others- cant be born into slaery and kept in a cage. 
- you have accress to basic human righs - fed water , shelter