
Thursday, 2 December 2021

Market Day

 So in Bussiness enterprice 

Making Plants For B&E

What my jobs were to was think about hwat are all the things that I had to write down I had to talk to the group and tell them we need to do this. Like the jobs that I had to do was.

Letter Writting 

The things what we need on Market day

How much Money did we need

Marketing a successful prouduct.

My learning was to work as a team and get the worked done Get my team mates to help me with some of the work. The letter writting was a little bit hard to do because I had to think and see what I needed to write also had to ask my team mates if they could help me with some of the work. The mareting a succesful product was to make plants it was a ok idea but then it got vusterating at first but then we got the hang of it.

How impront were decisions that you made?

So our decisions was that we were making plants and that we had to figer out how much money did we need to have what was the things that we need to put on our shopping list. To work as a team to get the work done. The decisions that we made it was a little bit hard to do because how much work that we had to do though the whole tyer time that we had to make our prouduct. 

What procut did we have to make plants.

Like a lolly necklist or a bag of goodies in them

The people that I worked with was a bad Idea beacsuse There was fights between us that I shouldnt been in that group I should of tooken the best people to work with and ghet more work done in that group and not the one that I was in because There was heps of writting that I had to do.

How well did i aplied?

It was well but next time I should find the best people to work with and not the ones that wont do anything and just sit there and let the CEO do all of the work. 

It was ok doing the product but i should of did something else.

I really dont succesful of the one that we had to do becausr it was hard that we had to do and that we had to make it.  We needed to see if it worked or not.

Saturday, 6 November 2021

Students must tie up hair that is longer than shoulder length?

 Hey Readers,

It'll likely state that a case of nits/lice has been detected in your child's class,. Having the hair tied back particularly in a bun pr plait one of the most ective ways of keeping the nits and lice at bay.

If your doing cooking at school you must put your hair up or in a bun because when you are making food your hair will go into the food that you are making and that will treatment because something will probably be in your hair and you wont know what it is. 

You're hair must be up at all time.


Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Romans Inevent

 Hey Readers.

I have done a slideshow I have been doing it for a couple days now because for the whole class got to chose what we wanted to chose one of these twos. Roman games or you can resscreach. So what I chose is the resscreach one because I thought it was more instreing to see more information on google. I 

Monday, 1 November 2021

Gymnastics - takaporepore

Gymnastics - Takaporepore

Year 9







ACHIEVEMENT OBJECTIVE 2 Students will develop a positive attitude towards physical activity by accepting challenges and extending their personal capabilities and experiences.







The student will develop skills, and responsible attitudes about safety, in challenging physical situations.

The student participates in all activities

Achieved Kairaka

The student works at three apparatus each period. 

Merit Painga

The student has learned at least 1new  skill on each apparatus.

Excellence Hiranga

The student has learned at least 2 skills on at least two apparatus.

truMp = Managing Self

  • I have a can do attitude

  • I have my PE Uniform

  • I don’t give up

  • I don’t disrupt others

Gymnastics Peer Assessment

Rater’s Name: Jessica Class: Trm Date: 1 Nov

SKILLS (Tick the skills which you can now safely perform)


  • Lower arm walk

  • Swing

  • Back Dismount

  • Forward Dismount

  • Forward roll


  • Straight Jump

  • Jump Full turn

  • Tuck Jump

  • Dive Roll

  • Somersault to land on feet


  • Forward roll

  • Backward roll

  • Headstand

  • Handstand

  • Cartwheel

  • Bridge


  • Side Mount

  • Jump over Cone 

  • Forward roll

  • Straddle Dismount


  • Toe Shoot

  • B/wd Hip Circle

  • B/wd Hip Circle Mount


  •  Controlled bounce

  •  Straddle jump

  •  Full Turn

  •  Seat Drop

  •  Front drop


truMp = Managing Self

  • I have a can do attitude

Never Always

  • I have my PE Uniform

Never Always

  • I give up trying

Never Always

  • I disrupt others

Never Always


 Hey Readers,

For the past 4 weeks wehave been doing gymnastics in PE. We have been ussing 6 appartus - bar, beam, paraller bars,mini tramp,floor/mat and tramplone. 

One challenge for me was. I tryed to do a Swing on the praller bars and I could get over it so what I did was I tryed so hard so I could get over the bars. I tryed and tryed I did it I can findly do a swing on the praller bar. I was so eziced that I could do something that I didnt know how to do.

One achievemnet for me was. I achievement working doing handstands,ford rolls and back rolls. I can do them on the mat because I can do so many things. I work and I show the teacher that I could do this she was so proud of me.

I have included my assment from.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Humaniries Essay Planning

 Text abomination 
Author Robert swindell
Breaches of HR Article l in text.
Breach means to not have allowed it or broken it.
Martha - born into - religious cult , has basic rights but no personal freedom- martha is treated like a slave by her parents.
abomination / jim - born & kept in a cage not allowed outside
- has basic human rights
- last nights to edcation, love, freedom,socialistion,
- no clothes! 
* Quotes - nofriends because righteaus
- not allowed radio
* Ouotes - kin in basement
martha to scott
Jim doesnt see his mum
- Main satary 
malhes us feel 
enpanthy /depressed 
sympathy for martha 
we forgive martha for keeping the sercet about jim because she is alos suffering.
Good story telling.
Build superset & terison
feel sorry for jim,feel argry at her parents
shows negtive influnce at bullying.
Martha yes she went to line with her sister,gets new chlothes,
not treated like slave or differnt 
abomintian: Rsolved - gets to sciolve, see his mum, clothes, fredom, pitary, love
Trauma - not goanna have normal life
The righteaus belive the devil redches young people thorugh pop music pg.11
I know I seen weird to them, but its not me inside iḿ just like them pg.18 
Abominaton a boy, scott. a little boy. He lives in the cellar in a cage" page 143
And she lets her kid live in a cage...she doesnt know ! Pg.146
Acticle 1.
All human beings are born free & equal in dignity& rights. They are endowed with resson and. Yanscience & should act towards one another in a spirit of brothrehood.
Means no one is born differnt from others- cant be born into slaery and kept in a cage. 
- you have accress to basic human righs - fed water , shelter

Thursday, 30 September 2021


 Quote Hunting:

Find at least 5 quotes in the story that show times when Martha or Scott is being bullies.

This has a negative effect on Matha because it mean she wont be able to trust people or invite them into her home.

Well I felt sorry for her. Plus I wanted to know where she'd been off to at five o'clock sunday buzzer.

Scott will do the wrong thing to keep his friends.

I felt sorry for martha by getting bullied at school most lee the whole time.

Scott feels so bad for martha because she only has one friend and she should go find some more friends. Because you have more fun time  if you have more friends they will hang out with you.

For each quote explain:

- How you think martha / scott felt about the situation. Martha thinks she has a friend, Scott will do the wrong thing to do with his friends.

- Why do you think the author wanted you to feel that way.

Something really bad is going to happen to scott beause he was kind to martha.

Martha has no more friends because all of them left her.

Make sure you have at least 1 negative effect for each example of bullying. Scott feels em barrased because something will probly go something with his friends, scott might lose his firends because he wouldnt know what to do.

Aim for at least 5 examples

Scott has a positive attitude towards his first day.

Martha feels Confused because she went to look behind her and then her friends has gone,she started to cry because she didnt know what do to,she went to go sit by her self because she didnt know what to do.

Martha is feeling more resilience and isn upset by her class mates bullying her, she wont listen to them because they are the ones who are starting to bully her when she didnt do anything wrong

She has lost her friend because she couldnt find some friends, so she will be on her own and talk to god about how she is going.

Select two quotes and explain how they work together to show the same idea/emotion.

Good. Now listen to me ,martha. he sets down his kinife and fork. Heś about to spoil it all.
Father will have spoken to you about this, but it surely cant be right to keep a child in a cage. Maybe you told them and they misheard.

What lunks can you make between the negatives of bullying on martha and teenagers in our society,
I sent them a card with my love and np address but I expect its in the bin , torn in two. Im looking forward to wednesday. Its annettes half day off and shes promised sheĺl show me how to surf the net . You know -the internt,

Guess who im going to e-mail first

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

New zealand march

 welcome everyone this is some work that I have been working on it has talking me a long time to do because I have worked so hard to get this work done. 

How I feel by listening to my songs when I am not in the mood.

 Hey everyone,

What I have put on my slide is some of these songs that I listen to and there is a resson on my slide why they are on there so if you want you can listen to them to. It is up to you what youb wanna do.

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Maori Land March 1975 - Itinerary

Include an explanation on what the task was and what you been learning.

What have i been learning is that I have been on the google slides to see what we needed to do. What we needed to do is that we needed to go on google maps or google earth. And write all the names that was in the doc that you needed to put on the google earth. We have learnt so much in the past because what we have done. 

What worked well? So how it went was that I worked on my own to get this work done. we needed to sit down to listen to the teacher to see what we needed to do. Today was the day I finshed my work. When I do this work I just think about what I need to write down and also so that what I needed to include in my work. I have been listing to the teacher to see what I needed to because you get more work done if you do it and listen to the teacher. 

What was challenging? The work was little bit hard to do because I had no I dear what to do but when I listen to the teacher I thought about it. I got straght into the work. When I write the names in the google earth map so you can see where they have walked for so long and stayed at those places. It was a long walk for them because there was a whole bunch of people walking around the earth and like there is little kids for go with them.

What would you do differently next time? Listen more careful to the teacher so I know what I need to do also if I finsh the work I ask the teacher if they come to see what I have done. They can cheek off how much I have done. It will get cheeked off then I will have other work that I need to do.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Gymnastics Quiz

 Year 9 PE Home-learning Week 7 Name Jessica P

Gymnastics Quiz

1 What is a perfect score when competing in gymnastics? 

a 9 b 10 c 9.9 d 1.0

2 In women's gymnastics, how many events are there?

a 2 b 6 c 4 d 8

3 Which country won the most medals in the gymnastics at Tokyo 2020?

a USA b ROC c NZ d China

4 Simone Biles is from which country?

a NZ b Canada c USA d Russia

5 Which bars do only male gymnasts compete on?

a High bars b Uneven bars c Low bars d Parallel bars

6 What is the name of the apparatus that gymnasts jump/flip over?

a Horse b Vault c Box d Bench

7 Which NZ trampolinist won a bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympics?

a Lydia Ko b Hayden Wilde c Dylan Schmidt

8 How many times has a NZ trampolinist been to the Olympics?

a 2 b 6 c 4 d 1

9 Which of these moves has the highest difficulty?

a Aerial b  Handstand c Handspring d Roundoff

10 Christchurch gymnast Courtney McGregor went to which Olympics?

a Rio b  Tokyo c Beijing d London